Help and support Center

Help and Support Center albums design and photos retouch

And if you did not find the help center answers do not hesitate to contact us for support and we will be happy to help.

Choosing photos and the possibility of re-selection

Once the customer has finished choosing their photos, you can download the selected collection.

selection, reselection, selection done, collection, download, download images, finish selection

Difference between creating a gallery under the Perspective service vs. standalone gallery

Note the difference between a gallery under album design and a standalone gallery.

Perspective service, gallery, creative difference

What's new in Pixelect?

We're excited to share that we've made some performance improvements and fixed a few bugs!


Moving gallery to archive

Instead of deleting the gallery, you can move it to the archive to keep all the information intact.

Archive, delete, save, information, gallery

Cover view and settings

A preview shows how the gallery will be displayed on desktop, tablet, or mobile.

Preview, Theme Image, Header, Mobile, Stationary, Computer, Mobile, Tablet, Gallery, Business Card,

Sharing a gallery with your client

After you create a gallery, you can easily share it with your client.

Sharing, sending, client, gallery, settings, blocking, password, details, phone, email

Create a gallery

Creating a gallery lets customers choose photos for products like canvases, printed photos, etc.

Creating a gallery, collections, selecting photos, sharing link, Google Drive

How can I change the drive where Google Drive stores its cached files?

Here's how to change the drive where Google Drive saves its cached files.

drive, change, cache files, google drive, settings, folder, storage

Sending orders and choosing photos

Photographers, it's now easier to send orders and let your customers choose photos.

Management, galleries, photo selection, photographers, orders, customers, storage, sharing, order details form, Google Drive folder, link to event folder, Google Drive

Selections: download and re-select options

After adding a Google Drive link in the order, it will be possible to define products and tags.

Google Drive, order, products, tags, editing, general settings, image management, downloads, customer selection, selection status

Tags and collections management

You can create tags and associate them with relevant services and products.

Image selection, tags, sharing, new products, folder structure, additional products

Gallery settings and Pixelect

After the order is created, Pixelect handles image selection for any customer change requests.

Image Selection Management, Pixelect, Changes, Button, Settings, Google Drive, Gallery Update, Link

Managing files on desktop

We recommend using our catalog method for managing files on your desktop.

Cataloging, cataloging advantages, quick cleaning of storage, search for values, control, organization, efficiency, file management, Google Drive, Google Drive, folder, control, sharing, format, search

Using Google Drive on the desktop

Using a virtual drive feels just like working with a regular drive, exactly the way you've always done.

Google Drive, Google Drive, Desktop, Virtual Drive, Folders, File Upload, Speed, Sync, New Folders, Browser, Sharing, Permissions, Install, Download, Link.

Meet Google Drive

Using Google Drive allows easy and secure access to content.

Google Drive, Google Drive, easy and secure access, store, share, edit together, files and folders upload files, share files

Selecting and sorting photos for your album

Discover the most efficient ways to filter and sort your photos.

Sorting photos, selecting photos, designed album, album design, perspective, photo filtering, event photographer

Why does an event photographer need a website?

This is essential to showcase your artistry and attract clients with a stunning online portfolio!

Personal website for event photography, personal website for photography, website, free website building, free website

Manage your gallery page with Vimeo

Learn how to add and manage your video gallery directly from your Vimeo account.

Video gallery, video, albums, adding movies to the site, adding clips to the site,

Manage your Album Gallery page

Learn how to add and manage photo albums on your Album Gallery page.

Album gallery, albums, photo albums, designed albums, photo album service, add photo album

Setting up multiple languages ​​for the site

Use this guide to learn how to set up the default language of your website.

Language, default language, English, Russian, Hebrew, multilingual

Manage your photo gallery and categories

Here’s your step-by-step guide to managing your photo gallery page.

Gallery, photo gallery, photos, images, drag, dragging images, upload, sections, gallery sections, portfolio

WhatsApp widget setting and tips

Discover how to set up the WhatsApp widget on your website and add welcome text to the icon.

WhatsApp, WhatsApp widget, contact, contact button, contact widget, message, welcome message, phone number

Manage testimonials and promote your business

Explore how to enable the Testimonials page and add your clients' testimonials to your website.

Testimonials, reviews, adding testimonials, adding reviews, clients' testimonials, clients' reviews

How do you set and update your logo on the site?

Learn how to upload a logo that will look great on the site, including the correct format and logo locations.

Logo, add logo, adding logo, image, logo image, branding

Messangers icon
Close icon
Envelope icon

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